Belfrey Partnership with York Foodbank

We’re really excited to announce that we’ll be partnering with York Foodbank to host their Saturday morning foodbank session at the De Grey Rooms, as part of our social action programme. We’ll initially be doing this on a 6 month trial from 3rd February 2024, with the expectation that it will continue for the rest of our time at the De Grey Rooms and hopefully beyond. York Foodbank are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. All of York Foodbank’s sessions are run in partnership with local churches.

In order to make this possible we are looking for a volunteer from our church family to be our Foodbank Coordinator for this initial 6 months. This would be a commitment of up to 5 hours per week (Saturday mornings 9am-1pm, or as needed to facilitate the 10am - 12pm session, plus some weekday admin). You'll be supported by Alison Dawson, our Social Action Programme Manager, and our staff team. All expressions of interest for this role are very welcome - we're really flexible! Please contact if you think you would be able to help. A role description for the Foodbank Coordinator is here.

We’re also recruiting a team of volunteers to run the sessions on a monthly rota. If you’re interested in learning more about this, please come along to our Foodbank Volunteer meeting on Saturday 20th January, 10am at the De Grey Rooms.

Isabelle Flynn