Every year, the Besom charity organise over 200 hundred hampers given to families and single people in York who would otherwise struggle over the Christmas period.

This year, we’re partnering with them again.  

More details to come in November, but please do be thinking as a Belfrey group, group of friends, family, or yourself if you can make a hamper.

It’s not just about giving, but also connecting with the people we give to.

If transport is a problem, Besom will deliver for you, but we’d encourage you to deliver your hampers yourselves.  Besom will match you with someone in the area you prefer, (a quick reference check), and you’re free to deliver your hamper(s).

We’ve had some lovely stories about how both the deliverers and recipients were touched by meeting each other.

It would be lovely if you were able to take some other hampers for people in the same area who can’t deliver themselves, so if this is something you could do, please let us know.

We’ll add the guidelines for hamper contents, but they’re a mixture of food (nothing alcoholic please), and gifts selected for the family’s likes and dislikes.

Any questions, please contact claire.treherne@belfrey.org