Climate justice is about the human, social, and political dimensions of global warming. It recognises that those already suffering most from the effects of climate change are often those who have done the least to cause it.​

At the Belfrey, we are committed to environmental justice; to seek the welfare of our planet and to celebrate good stewardship of God’s creation.

Climate and Environmental Emergency Declaration

As part of our churches ongoing commitment to steward creation well, and to look after the world we’ve been entrusted with, the leadership and PCC of the Belfrey declared a climate emergency on 7th November 2021.

On the basis that:

  1. This is God’s world, we are called to care for it and we have not done well.

  2. The world is facing a severe crisis of environmental degradation and climate change that affects our ability to sustain human civilisation in its present form;

  3. The main cause of the crisis is human activity;

  4. The crisis is inextricably linked to global injustices and inequality;

  5. The crisis indicates a failure of human beings to follow God’s mandate to care for the world and to seek justice among its peoples;

We, the Parochial Church Council of St Michael le Belfrey, York want to publicly declare a Climate and Environmental Emergency, and commit ourselves to:

  1. Examining our lives individually and corporately in relation to this crisis, and seeking to live faithfully to God;

  2. Bringing forward by April 2022 an action plan to minimise our negative corporate impact on the environment and climate and to help restoration where possible;

  3. Encouraging our members to make relevant lifestyle changes appropriate to their circumstances;

  4. Encouraging action on this emergency in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and other spheres of activity;

  5. Using whatever influence we may have to bring about positive actions by local and national government and by corporations.

St Michael le Belfrey PCC 7th November 2021

Climate Justice Blog


Eco Advisory Group

We’re a group of enthusiastic individuals, passionate about sustainability, climate justice, and caring for God’s wonderful creation. We know that this journey toward more sustainable practices can be challenging, both in our personal lives and as a Church, but we also know it is joyful and exciting work. And most importantly, it is work that God invites us to do with Him. 

Our mission: through preaching, teaching and sharing information, to challenge and encourage St Michael le Belfrey to value and protect God’s creation.


Starting Point

Lifestyle & Campaigns

Find out more - UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy - easy to read graphs and figures from the latest scientific research - assess your own emissions in comparison to global and UK averages