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the besom in york

The Besom is a charity which helps Christians and Churches give to those in need. The Besom works by acting as a bridge between those who want to give their time, skills, money, or things to those who are in need.

To find out more follow this link:


To give through prayer:

We expect that throughout the pandemic there will have been unmet areas of need. Please pray that there will be sufficient people who wish to give their time and skills to meet these needs as they come to light as we come out of lockdown.

Becky from Besom shared a wonderful story:

“We asked various churches and groups to pray for who they felt God was calling them to prepare a hamper for. Most responses were fairly general, but when we went to the House of Prayer they responded by saying they felt God wanted the hamper to go to a young mum called Sarah (name changed) who had a young child”

Becky said “I was a little doubtful at first but I went away and checked our referrals and there was no one with this name, but within a few days a new referral came in for a young mum called Sarah with a young child.” You can only guess at how this incredible blessing has impacted on the lives of Sarah and her young child!

Our God loves us to pray for both the big things and the small, so Besom would also love prayer that the recent damp problem that has developed in their storage space would be resolved soon.

Besom would also love you to pray for the Holy Spirit to prompt and guide you and place on your heart ways in which you can give to support the work of Besom, this could be anything and not limited to the things that people have done in the past.

To give financially:

You can either give money or things (for example good quality household goods and furniture, hampers at Christmas) to the Besom.

New Home Packs

Besom support people who are moving from hostels and other temporary accommodation into their own homes. One way you could give is for you, or your Belfrey Group to give items to help make up New Home packs for people moving into their own homes. This could include basics like cutlery and crockery, new bedding, cleaning products and maybe a few other nice things to help make a home.

To find out more click here:

To give your time and skills:

You can either give your time as an individual or as a group (that may be as a particular church community or group or maybe through your Belfrey Group).

As an individual examples of how you can help include help with admin, or with collecting, sorting or delivering items.

As a group typical ways of helping include garden clearing, cleaning and decorating people’s homes.

To find out more about these opportunities click here: