Pray, GIVE, Grow - Christmas Hampers

2022: We gave over 40 hampers which was a sixth of all the Besom Christmas hampers in York 

2023: Can we do more?

Every year, the Besom charity organise over 200 hundred hampers given to families and single people in York who would otherwise struggle over the Christmas period.

This year, we’re partnering with them again, so WHAT CAN WE DO?

PRAY  – Please pray for the Besom team. Giving hampers involves a lot of coordination, time and effort. All those involved absolutely love it, but please pray for strength and energy for the team. Please pray for those making up hampers, that God will prompt them to put things in that are just right for the families they are going to, despite them having not met before. Pray that those who receive hampers will know the unending love of God and the true meaning of Christmas.

MAKE A HAMPER  – Fill in the form here to let us know who you might like to make for and Besom will get back in touch with a family or individual who has been referred to us. Besom will do their best to match you to recipients that live near you so you don't have to travel very far. And do feel free to invite the recipients to The Belfrey's Christmas events. We have seen God move in incredible ways through these relationships being built and we are excited to see what he will do this year!

Could you as a Belfrey group, group of friends, family, or yourself make a hamper, the Belfrey Social Action Fund is match-funding again too, so if you make one, we’ll give you the funds for a second one.

Need some ideas for what to put in your hamper? Click here (but generally they’re a mixture of food (nothing alcoholic please), and gifts selected for the family’s likes and dislikes.)

As it’s not just about giving, but also connecting with the people we give to, so if possible, it would be great if you delivered your hampers directly to the recipients (there's a reference section on the form that needs filling out for this). If you are unable to deliver, we will need you to get your hamper to Besom by Wednesday 8th December, but otherwise deliveries can be done right up to Christmas.

It would be lovely if you were able to take some other hampers for people in the same area who can’t deliver themselves, so if this is something you could do, please let us know.

Match-funding is available again. Your Belfrey Group leader will be sent a link for the ChurchSuite form which they can use to apply for the funding,

BE A DELIVER-ER!  Spend a morning, afternoon or all day being on one of The Besom’s delivery teams. Besom will be doing deliveries on Fridays this year. (They do require a reference for this role). More info and sign up here.

BE A WRAPPER – Come and spend some time packing and wrapping. Besom will be doing this on Wednesdays at their storage space in Huntington. Some people like to give items towards a hamper, so they often need people to pack them for specific families/individuals. The more the merrier! More info and sign up here.

Thank you for reading this far, and hopefully, we’ve answered all your questions, but if not, please do contact

Hampers in the Huntingdon Barn ready for delivery